

Gnerate expects terminal arguments to be in the following format:

gnerate [template] [generationLocation]

The template name always comes first, followed by the location in which we will generate the template.

Note: Template name can be a substring of a template name. Gnerate will look for templates containing the provided name. If more than one exist, Gnerate will fail out asking for a more specific name.


Everything that can be done through a config file, can also be provided through command line arguments.

init: Creates the scaffolding for Gnerate. This includes a gnerate.config.js file, and a __templates__ directory. Both the config file, and directory will be placed in the location the command is ran from.

--config=[configPath]: Provide the path to a gnerate config file

--templatePath=[templatesDirectory]: A path to a templates directory

--[paramKey]=[paramValue]: These are key value pair variables that will be used in templates. paramKey will be the variable name to use in a template, where paramValue will be the value it renders to.


A template [elem.njs]:

Hello, {{ hello }}!

If we run the command gnerate elem ./elem.txt --hello=world, we would see in elem.txt:

Hello, world!